Friday 23 March 2012

Snooki reveals her weight loss secret

She stunned fans when he revealed his new position earlier this year.

Now Snooki is clearly enjoying his appearance, elegant look in mini-dress shows in Atlantic City Harrah's this weekend.
However despite reports of 15-pound weight loss through healthy eating and exercise, Snooki led to his Twitter page this morning for the pills and credit supply Zantrex the hormone HCG for your new body.

The 4-foot-9-star reality show based on fat loss pills Zantrex apparently favoured more by

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Thursday 8 March 2012

7 Ways To Speed Up Your Weight Loss With Herbs And Spices

I wonder how much it is generally known that the benefits of using herbs and spices can speed up your weight loss efforts, by quite a considerable amount actually.

We all know that herbs and spices are used with cooking to varying degrees, and of course the primary reason for doing so is to make food much more tasty and interesting.

I suspect however that you might be surprised at the considerable health benefits that can also be gained by using them. In saying this I am referring

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Learn How I Lost 150 Pounds in Just 14 Months

This is not just another fad diet book – of which fill libraries, bookstores, and the internet, but the true story of how I lost 150 pounds in about 14 months (and kept the pounds off). A story, which I believe anyone who can walk, will benefit from.

First let me back up a bit and explain how a middle-aged 6’ 0” male with a medium to large frame got to be 335 pounds. Well, it wasn’t hard and didn’t seem to take all that long. It was eating lots of fast food, burgers, and

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7 Calorie Burning Tips

These are just a few habits you can embrace to start revving your metabolism right away. You may have heard stories about people who have lost dozens of pounds simply switching to diet soda or walking a few minutes each day. These are all small habits that contribute to a big difference and increase your metabolism over time. You will make weight loss quicker and easier by increasing your metabolic rate and burning more calories.

1) Move More

Sedentary people burn about

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Monday 5 March 2012

Best Weight Loss Advice For Men


If diet and weight are as important to health and well being as experts believe, American men need to make changes to what they eat and how often they exercise. They are too overweight and suffer years of ill-health despite the fact that per capita health funding is the highest in the world. The statistics make interesting reading. First, an estimated 27.7 percent of American males aged 20-74 years are obese. By comparison, obesity affects 19 percent of Australian

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Severe Obesity in Adults: Weight Loss Treatment and Tips

Severe obesity is a serious medical condition experienced by people with a body mass index of 40 or above. Previously called morbid obesity, it affects an estimated six million American adults, or about 1 in 33 of the adult population. Associated with a range of complex metabolic disorders including type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance syndrome and raised blood-fats, plus other weight-related health problems, this condition should not be confused with overweight (BMI > 25) or regular

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Weight loss for Couch Potatoes - Don't Get up, I'll Explain...

*** You're fat and you know it! Now I'm going to tell you something you don't already know.

You think you already know why you're fat but you don't. You think it's because you just don't have enough time and motivation to exercise. You think it's because you love food and don't quite have enough willpower to cut back sufficiently. You don't have a clue!

The real reason you're gaining weight is going to shock you: it's because you have the mind of a well-trained athlete.

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